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Vacuum induction smelting furnace
Vacuum induction smelting furnace

It is a complete vacuum smelting equipment that can smelt metal materials using medium frequency heating principle under vacuum, induction melting furnace. It consists of MF power cabinet, capacitor box, furnace body and vacuum system.
Used for smelting steel,alloy steel, special steel,stainless steel,copper, aluminium, lead,zinc and other non-ferrous metal.
·Small floor area,high efficiency and low power consumption.
·Surrounding furnace temp. is low,little dust,good working environment
·Easy operate,and run reliably.
·Metal element uniformity,easy to control.
·Quick temperature rise,easy to control temperature rise and production efficiency high
·High-usage and easy to change.
Main parameter
Rated MF power:    50-1000Kw
Rated MF frequency:    500-8000Hz
Max working temp.:    1700℃
Msx. vacuum:    6.7X10-2 Pa 
Volume:    5-500   Kg
Pressure rise rate:    6.5Pa/h

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