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 Technical:Mr Luo 0086-13973343673

Carbon fiber graphitization furnace
    Carbon fiber graphitization furnace applies advanced tech and have high performance intelligent ultra-temperature device that can operate above 3000℃.


    Used for carbon fiber, phosphorus piece graphite,carbon material structure(product),C/C composite product, carbon material and other pyrographite made from graphite material.
    Applies excellent heat insulator and advanced hearth structure.The max. operating temp. can reach to 3000℃.
    Being used for carbon fiber silk graphitization,silk enter from one side and out from the other side.You can collect silk while putting it in,so it has a high efficiency.
Used lengthways vertical measuring temperature, the place of thermodetector won't affect production.
    Used digital display intelligent measuring temperature system,automatic and high-precision ,the system can heat according to advance order and can store 20 pieces and 400 different heating curves.
    Comprehensive PLC automatic control and protection system, wire between control cabinet and furnace body can be 20m long for long-range control.
Main technical parameters:   
Max. operating temp.: 3000℃
Hearth size:Φ30-Φ300X500-2000mm,or square
Temperature uniformity:≤±10℃
Temperature survey:
Range of far infrared optics measuring temp. 1000~3000℃ or 0~3000℃; measuring temp. precision:0.2~0.75%。

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