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 Technical:Mr Luo 0086-13973343673

15KGJinrui steel steel smelting furnace

The device’s frequency of operation (4~8KHz),high than common ones,and has a higher heating efficiency compared to common ones.
     Suitable for small fittings and casting process
   1、Easy installation and use.
   2、Compact size,light and removable,less than 2㎡  floor area.
   3、24 hours ongoing smelting capacity.
   4、High heat efficiency,  energy conservation
   5、Easy change different weight,different material and different firing method furnace body to meet kinds of melting demand.
Suitable for precious metal smelting such as gold, platinum,silver and other metal melt.

1-50kg Precious metal smelting furnace

KGPS-1 15KW melting furnace
KGPS-25 25KW melting furnace
5KG or 10KG
KGPS-35 35KW melting furnace
10KG or 15KG
KGPS-45 45KW melting furnace
25KG or 30KG
KGPS-70 70KW melting furnace
40KG or 50KG

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